There are 1400 Disciple Making Movements around the world and they include 1% of the current world population. We will explore models that are currently being adopted in North America that utilize the principles of Disciple Making Movements. In particular, we will pursue what it means to plant churches with a combination of a traditional disciple making focus and the utilization of Disciple Making Movement principles.

Topics Include:

An Overview of the Principles in a Disciple Making Movement in Sierra Leone - by Bobby Harrington and Harry Brown
(Reactions by Jim Putman and Dan Leitz, hosted by Paul Huyghebaert)
Fasting, Prayer and the Power of the Holy Spirit in Disciple Making Movements - by Harry Brown
(Reactions by Jim Putman and Dan Leitz, hosted by Bobby Harrington)
What Are Discovery Bible Studies and 3-3rd Bible Studies in Disciple Making Movements? - by Harry Brown and Bobby Harrington
(Reactions by Jim Putman and Dan Leitz, hosted by Paul Huyghebaert)
Barriers to Disciple Making Movement Principles in North America - by Harry Brown
(Reactions by Bobby Harrington and Jim Putman)
A Hybrid Model for North American Churches - by Paul Huyghebaert and Bobby Harrington
(Reactions by Harry Brown, Jim Putman and Dan Leitz)

Speakers: Bobby Harrington, Harry Brown, Jim Putman, Paul Huyghebaert, and Dan Leitz

Day / Time: Monday 1:00pm – 5:00pm and Tuesday 8:00am – 11:30am
Location: Henry Chapel