It seems that every new generation is making negative headlines. They’re “leaving the church,” “deconstructing their faith,” “constantly job-hopping,” “not graduating college,” and “in crippling debt.”

But it’s not all bad news for Gen Z and Millennials. We are seeing a remnant of resilient young leaders who are pursuing holiness, pushing back darkness, and not bowing to political correctness or cultural norms. Rather, they’re insistent on changing their culture for Christ and reaching the most lost generation our nation has ever seen.

In this pre-conference, Grant Skeldon, Hannah Gronowski Barnett, and other next generation guest speakers will lead an honest discussion about how pastors can effectively reach and raise a new generation towards a hopeful future in a dark and divided world.

Speakers: Grant Skeldon, Hannah Gronowski Barnett, Camilo Buchanan, Michael Mims, Katie Keane, Faith Schiller, Aaron Barnett, Eli Bonilla, Tim Stevens, and Daniel Yang

Day / Time: Monday 1:00pm – 5:00pm and Tuesday 8:00am – 11:30am
Location: Faith Hall - Room 301G