Nic Burleson is the church planter and co-lead pastor of Timber Ridge Church in Stephenville, TX. Nic and his wife, Johanna, planted Timber Ridge ten years ago and have been front row witnesses to watching God grow a church from a couple people in a living room to a church with multiple campuses that averages over 1,200 people in weekly attendance. Timber Ridge has also planted three dozen churches in its ten-year history. In addition to leading Timber Ridge, Nic also leads church planting for GlocalNet and coaches church planters and pastors on church growth, collegiate ministry, outreach and multiplication. Connect with him at


Workshop Session 1: Planting Churches in Small Towns
Small town doesn't mean small impact. In fact, life-giving churches in small towns, rural communities and micropolitan areas can have a major impact in their communities. Discover practical strategies and proven methods of planting and leading reproducing churches that have enormous influence, regardless of the size of the town.
Time: Tuesday, 2:30pm — 3:30pm
Location: Faith Hall - Room 301B
Speakers: Nic Burleson, Kevin Cox, Richard Cox

Workshop Session 4: Planting Collegiate Churches
The college campus is the most strategic mission field in the world. Planting churches on college campuses and in college communities is not only a strategic way to reach a generation, but it also positions churches to be reproducing organizations from the start. Discover how to plant and lead collegiate church plants that reach lost students, raise young adults as leaders in today's church and release them to reproduce new life-giving churches.
Time: Thursday, 8:45am — 9:45am
Location: Faith Hall - Room 301B
Speakers: Nic Burleson

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